Our Thanks to...
Contributors to this website
Many people have had a hand in developing Coranderrk's website over many years.
Our sincere thank to all of them, and particularly to:
Students at Swinburne University of Technology, who developed an original 'Rolls Royce' version, which unfortunately none of us knew how to drive.
All the contributors to our original website, particularly Kathryn Nauta and Tony D'Abbs for research, design and text and Rod Neason for images and videos taken at Coranderrk. A big thanks to the people at Alined Design for keeping it all running
Jan Smith for the design and collation of this website and Belinda McPhee for ongoing management
The many individuals and organizations that are the source of text and images used in this site, most of whom are listed in the text and on our Quick Links & Resources page. New images of Coranderrk are by Rik Brown, Marita Hanigan, Jan Smith, David Stewart and Brooke Wandin, unless otherwise credited. If we have neglected to cite or incorrectly cited a source please contact us.
The 'Yarners' for their wonderful stories that preserve our memories and bring Coranderrk to life. Hear their voices on the Yarns page.
Friends of Coranderrk
Our sincere thanks to the many people who volunteer their time, labour and skills and who have achieved so much at working bees and events over the years. We would not have got anywhere near as far as we have, if we did not have you.
Our other friends
Wandoon Estate Aboriginal Corporation appreciates the friendship and support of those listed below and the many other organisations and individuals too numerous to name here... you know who you are...